Payday 2 best ai weapons
Payday 2 best ai weapons

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Many of these changes will also apply to Jokers, such as the improved targeting and reloading out of combat.Bots' reactions have been streamlined and optimized for faster reflexes and target acquisition.The bots' code for intimidating civilians has been improved and optimized for performance bots will shout at civilians immediately if they are not on the floor, no matter what.Bots' targeting has been overhauled, prioritizing enemies based on distance and focusing on specials.Bots will automatically reload their weapons if they are out of combat and their magazines are at least half empty, rather than only reloading when their mags are totally dry.Bots will wear the Lightweight Ballistic Vest and either a doctor bag or ammo bag (chosen at random) to make them appear more human (note that the bags cannot be deployed and the armor does not increase their durability, both are purely cosmetic).Further, bots' movement penalty when carrying bags is now similar to human players.Bots will not drop their bags if they can inspire the player or the bag is light enough to run with.Bots can shoot through one another and even hostages, so no more dead dominated cops.Bots will use human player outlines in offline mode.Bots have had their "run_start" and "run_stop" animations removed, enabling them to better keep up with players.Bots can now hit targets at any range, including Snipers.

payday 2 best ai weapons

Bots have had their "aim delay" and "focus delay" values set to 0, enabling them to aim and shoot at enemies immediately.Bots are included in the difficulty calculations by the game, allowing for a more human game experience.Furthermore, bots will now mark turrets.Additionally, bots will not mark enemies who are already marked, increasing the variety of marked enemies the code for marking has also been improved for efficiency.Bots can dominate, intimidate, and mark NPCs independently, rather than sharing a timer for these actions.Bots can melee enemies, knocking them down and dealing half of their health in damage.Bots will automatically mark Tasers when they are tased.No longer will you have to deal with babysitting new players from the most recent Steam sale. This mod tweaks and changes certain aspects of the bots so they are both more useful and are more similar to human players. The vanilla teammate AI is basically designed to be a couple of guaranteed Jokered cops with health regen instead of being virtual recreations of actual players.

Payday 2 best ai weapons